Program Structure
Please follow the program structure outlined in the Academic Calendar from your FIRST academic year as a student at St. Thomas University. Find the Academic Calendars . If you have any questions, please contact your academic advisor.
An Honours Bachelor of Arts in Great Books requires 54 credit hours, including GRBK 2006, one of 2106 or 2206, four of 3106, 3306, 3406, 3506 or 3606, 3903, 4903, 4906, 4913; and an approved 3 credit-hour course at the 3000/4000 level in another discipline.
Students interested in an Honours degree in Great Books should preferably apply to the Great Books Steering Committee by the beginning of their third year. Students should indicate when applying for the Honours BA in Great Books which courses they propose to count for these credits. Students are also strongly encouraged to take 6 credit hours of a language, particularly one that will be connected to their thesis. Students must take GRBK 3903 in the second half of their third year. Application forms are available from the Director of Great Books.
Entrance to the Great Books Honours Programme requires a 3.7 GPA in Great Books courses and a 3.3 GPA in all other courses.
To complete the Great Books Major, students are required to complete the following thematic courses:
Second year: 12 credit hours
(GRBK 2006 and one other 2000 level course)
Third year: 12 credit hours in upper-level Great Books courses
(GRBK 3106, 3306, 3406, 3506, 3606)
Fourth year: 12 credit hours in upper-level Great Books courses
(GRBK 3106, 3306, 3406, 3506, 3606)
Great Books Courses Cross-listed in Other Departments
GRBK 2006 Quest for the Good Life is cross-listed with Political Science (3 credits only)
GRBK 2006: Quest for the Good Life is cross-listed with Political Science (3 credits only)
GRBK 3106: Love and Friendship is cross-listed with both English and Philosophy
GRBK 3306: Justice is cross-listed with Political Science (3 credits only)
GRBK 3506: Freedom is cross-listed with Political Science (3 credits only) and with ENGL 3903
GRBK 3406: Philosophy and Art counts towards the Group D requirement